Module Main.Test_sqlite_with_greedy_cache.DB (.ml)

module DB: Trakeva_cache.Add(Trakeva_sqlite)

type t 
The handle to the database.
val load : string ->
(t, [> `Database of [> `Load of string ] * string ])
Load a handle from the given database parameters.
val close : t ->
(unit, [> `Database of [> `Close ] * string ])
Close the DB.
val get : ?collection:string ->
t ->
key:string ->
(string option,
[> `Database of [> `Get of Trakeva.Key_in_collection.t ] * string ])
Get a value in the DB.
val get_all : t ->
collection:string ->
(string list, [> `Database of [> `Get_all of string ] * string ])
Get all the keys in a given collection as a list.
val iterator : t ->
collection:string ->
unit ->
(string option, [> `Database of [> `Iter of string ] * string ])
Go through all the kets in a given collection (exact semantics versus concurrent writes still to be defined …).
val act : t ->
action:Trakeva.Action.t ->
([ `Done | `Not_done ],
[> `Database of [> `Act of Trakeva.Action.t ] * string ])
Process a transaction, which can be `Done is successful or `Not_done if one of the checks in the Action.t failed.