Module Compile (.ml)

module Compile: sig .. end
Compilers from EDSL.t to POSIX shell scripts.

val to_one_liner : ?no_trap:bool -> 'a Language.t -> string
Compile a Genspio expression to a single-line POSIX shell command.

The shell command starts by using "trap" to allow the script to abort thorugh the construct; one can avoid this setup with ~no_trap:true

If ~no_trap:true is used and the script used the construct, to_one_liner fails with an exception.

       utop # Genspio.Compile.to_one_liner ~no_trap:true Genspio.EDSL.(seq [ eprintf (string "Hello\\n") []; fail ]);;
       "Die command not set: you cannot use the `fail` construct together with the `~no_trap:true` option (error message was: \" called\")".

val to_many_lines : ?no_trap:bool -> 'a Language.t -> string
Compile a Genspio expression to a multi-line POSIX shell script, slightly more readable than Compile.to_one_liner.