Module Ketrew_long_running_utilities (.ml)

module Ketrew_long_running_utilities: sig .. end
Call with a “fatal error” (Mandatory in the Long-running API).

val fail_fatal : string -> ('b, [> `Fatal of string ]) Ketrew_unix_io.Deferred_result.t
Call with a “fatal error” (Mandatory in the Long-running API).
val out_file_path : playground:Ketrew_path.t -> Ketrew_path.t
Standard path for stdout files (given a fresh playground).
val err_file_path : playground:Ketrew_path.t -> Ketrew_path.t
Standard path for stderr files.
val script_path : playground:Ketrew_path.t -> Ketrew_path.t
Standard path for monitored-script files.
val classify_and_transform_errors : ('a,
[< `Fatal of string
| `Host of
[ `Execution of
< host : string; message : string; stderr : string option;
stdout : string option >
| `Non_zero of string * int
| `Ssh_failure of
[ `Wrong_log of string
| `Wrong_status of Ketrew_unix_process.Exit_code.t ] * string
| `System of [ `Sleep of float ] * [ `Exn of exn ]
| `Timeout of float
| `Unix_exec of string ]
| `IO of
[< `Exn of exn
| `File_exists of string
| `Read_file_exn of string * exn
| `Write_file_exn of string * exn
| `Wrong_path of string ]
| `System of
[< `Copy of string
| `File_info of string
| `File_tree of string
| `List_directory of string
| `Make_directory of string
| `Make_symlink of string * string
| `Move of string
| `Remove of string ] *
[< `Already_exists
| `Exn of exn
| `File_exists of string
| `File_not_found of string
| `IO of
[< `Exn of exn
| `File_exists of string
| `Read_file_exn of string * exn
| `Write_file_exn of string * exn
| `Wrong_path of string ]
| `Not_a_directory of string
| `Wrong_access_rights of int
| `Wrong_file_kind of string * Ketrew_unix_io.System.file_info
| `Wrong_path of string ]
| `Timeout of 'b ])
Ketrew_pervasives.Result.t ->
('a, [ `Fatal of string | `Recoverable of string ])
Transform most known errors into long-running plugin API errors; using Ketrew_host.Error.classify.
val fresh_playground_or_fail : Ketrew_host.t ->
(Ketrew_path.t, [> `Fatal of string ]) Ketrew_unix_io.Deferred_result.t
Get a fresh-playground from a Host.t.
val get_log_of_monitored_script : host:Ketrew_host.t ->
script:Ketrew_monitored_script.t ->
([ `After of string * string * string
| `Before of string * string * string
| `Error of string list
| `Failure of string * string * string
| `Start of string
| `Success of string ] list option,
[> `Timeout of Ketrew_pervasives.Time.t ])
Fetch and parse the log file of a monitored-script.
val get_pid_of_monitored_script : host:Ketrew_host.t ->
script:Ketrew_monitored_script.t ->
(int option, [> `Timeout of Ketrew_pervasives.Time.t ])
Fetch and parse the pid file of a monitored-script.
val shell_command_output_or_log : host:Ketrew_host.t ->
string -> (string, Ketrew_pervasives.Log.t) Ketrew_unix_io.Deferred_result.t
Call Ketrew_host.get_shell_command_output and transform errors into a Log.t.