Index of values

(&&) [Ketrew_edsl.Condition]
(&&) [Ketrew_edsl.Program]
a && b is a program than runs a then b iff a succeeded.
(//) [Ketrew_pervasives]

a [Ketrew_pervasives.Log]
absolute_directory_exn [Ketrew_path]
Create an absolute path to a directory, raises Invalid_argument _ if the path is not absolute.
absolute_file_exn [Ketrew_path]
Create an absolute path to a file, raises Invalid_argument _ if the path is not absolute.
activate_exn [Ketrew_target]
Get an activated target out of a “submitted” one, raises Invalid_argument _ if the target is in a wrong state.
active [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
add [Ketrew_measurement.Collection]
add_targets [Ketrew_engine]
Add a list of targets to the engine.
additional_log [Ketrew_target]
additional_queries [Ketrew_plugin]
Get the potential additional queries ((key, description) pairs) that can be called on the target.
additional_queries [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
List of potential (query, description) pairs that can be passed to Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING.query.
all_paths [Ketrew_target.Volume]
all_targets [Ketrew_client]
Get all the current targets.
all_targets [Ketrew_engine]
Get the list of targets currently handled.
already_done [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
as_client [Ketrew_client]
Run the function f with a fresh-client created with the configuration.
ask_for_edition [Ketrew_interaction]
Edit content in "$EDITOR".
authorized_token [Ketrew_configuration]
Create an “inline” authentication token, i.e.
authorized_tokens [Ketrew_configuration]
The path to the authorized_tokens file.
authorized_tokens_path [Ketrew_configuration]
Ask the server to load tokens from a file at the given path.

bool [Ketrew_eval_condition]
build_process [Ketrew_document]
Transform complex Ketrew values into display-friendly Log.t values.
build_process [Ketrew_target]
build_sublist_of_targets [Ketrew_interaction]
Figure out the targets to be displayed.
building [Ketrew_target.State.Is]

call_query [Ketrew_plugin]
Call a query on a target.
call_query [Ketrew_client]
Call a target's plugin query by name.
chain [Ketrew_edsl.Program]
Chain a list of programs like with &&.
chain_and [Ketrew_edsl.Condition]
classify [Ketrew_host_io.Error]
Get a glance at the gravity of the situation: `Unix: a function of the kind Unix.exec failed., `Ssh: SSH failed to run something but it does not mean that the actual command is wrong., `Execution: SSH/Unix succeeded but the command failed.
classify_and_transform_errors [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Transform most known errors into long-running plugin API errors; using Ketrew_host.Error.classify.
clear [Ketrew_measurement.Collection]
client [Ketrew_configuration]
Create a client configuration:
cmdliner_term [Ketrew_edsl.Host]
Cmdliner term which creates a host argument or flag.
collect_http_requests [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
Go through a list of Items and find pairs of incoming/ending HTTP requests, return statistics about them.
command_pipe [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the path to the “command” named pipe.
compare_by_time [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
Comparison function that can be given to functions like List.sort.
concat [Ketrew_measurement.Collection]
concat [Ketrew_path]
Safely concatenate two paths (calls Filename.concat).
condition [Ketrew_target]
configuration [Ketrew_client]
Retrieve the configuration used to create the client.
configuration [Ketrew_engine]
Retrieve the configuration.
configure_ssh_batch_option [Ketrew_host.Ssh]
Configure global “Batch option”, (call ssh without password/question): for OpenSSH, it is "-oBatchMode=yes",, for DropBear, it is "-s".
connection [Ketrew_configuration]
connection [Ketrew_host]
consecutive_recent_attempts [Ketrew_target.State.Count]
Count how many times a current non-fatal failure state “repeats.” I.e.
create [Ketrew_yarn]
Create a “long-running” Ketrew_target.build_process (run parameters are already serialized), see Ketrew_edsl.yarn_application.
create [Ketrew_pervasives.Unique_id]
Create a fresh filename-compliant identifier.
create [Ketrew_pbs]
Create a “long-running” Ketrew_target.build_process to run a Ketrew_program.t on a given PBS-enabled host (run parameters already serialized): ?queue is the name of the PBS queue requested ("-q" option). , ?name is the job name ("-N" option). , ?wall_limit is the job's Wall-time timeout ("-l" option, default: 24 H). , ?processors is the “processors” request ("-l" option). , ?email_user tell PBS to send emails to the given address. , ?shell sets the shell used for the "#!" of the PBS script.
create [Ketrew_monitored_script]
Create a new script, which will run the list of commands, and store state values in the playground directory.
create [Ketrew_measurement.Collection]
create [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
create [Ketrew_lsf]
Create a “long-running” Ketrew_target.build_process to run a Ketrew_program.t on a given LSF-enabled host (run parameters already serialized): ?queue is the name of the LSF queue requested ("-q" option). , ?name is the job name ("-J" option). , ?wall_limit is the job's Wall-time timeout ("-W" option). , ?processors is the “processors” request ("-n" option). , ?project is the job assigned “project” ("-P" option).
create [Ketrew_explorer]
create [Ketrew_configuration]
Create a complete configuration:
create [Ketrew_daemonize]
Create a “long-running” Ketrew_target.build_process (run parameters are already serialized), see Ketrew_edsl.daemonize for more details
create [Ketrew_target.Volume]
create [Ketrew_target]
Create a target value (not stored in the DB yet).

daemon [Ketrew_configuration]
Tell whether the server should detach.
daemonize [Ketrew_edsl]
Create a “daemonize” build process:
database_parameters [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the database parameters.
default_database_path [Ketrew_configuration]
Default path to the database (used when generating custom configuration files).
default_explorer_defaults [Ketrew_configuration]
The default values of the Explorer configuration.
default_plugins [Ketrew_plugin]
The “long-running” plugins loaded by default.
default_shell [Ketrew_host]
Use default_shell ~binary:"/bin/sh" ~options:["-l"; "--something"; "blah" ] ~command_option:"-c" "sh" to define a default-shell calling "sh -l --something blah -c <command>".
default_shell_of_yojson [Ketrew_host]
Specification of the default shell of a Host.
default_shell_to_yojson [Ketrew_host]
default_timeout_upper_bound [Ketrew_host_io]
Default (upper bound) of the `?timeout` arguments.
dependencies_failed [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
depends_on [Ketrew_target]
deserialize [Ketrew_target.Stored_target]
Deserilize a target from a string.
deserialize_exn [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.WITH_VERSIONED_SERIALIZATION]
deserialize_exn [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.Of_v0]
deserialize_exn [Ketrew_measurement.Collection]
deserialize_exn [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
Deserialize the run parameters from a string; the engine guaranties that deserialize_exn will be called on the result of Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING.serialize; and assumes that no exception will be thrown in that case.
did_not_ensure_condition [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
dir [Ketrew_target.Volume]
directory [Ketrew_path]
Create a path to a directory.
distributed_shell_program [Ketrew_yarn]
Create a value `Distributed_shell _ to feed to Ketrew_yarn.create, see Ketrew_edsl.yarn_distributed_shell.
do_files_exist [Ketrew_host_io]
Check existence of a list of files/directories.

end_of_request [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
end_of_request [Ketrew_engine.Measure]
engine [Ketrew_configuration]
Build an engine configuration:
ensure_directory [Ketrew_host_io]
Make sure the directory path exists on the host.
equivalence [Ketrew_target]
err_file_path [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Standard path for stderr files.
error_to_string [Ketrew_unix_process]
Display-friendly version of the errors of this module.
exec [Ketrew_unix_process]
Execute a process with a given list of strings as “argv”, if you can provide the ~bin argument to specify the actual file to be executed.
exec [Ketrew_edsl.Program]
Create a program that run in Unix.exec mode (i.e.
execute [Ketrew_host_io]
Generic execution which tries to behave like Unix.execv even on top of SSH.
execution_timeout [Ketrew_host]
The execution timeout configured for the host.
exists_shell_condition [Ketrew_path]
Create a "/bin/sh" command that checks if the file or directory exists.
explore [Ketrew_explorer]
explore ~client exploration_states runs a read-eval loop to explore and interact with targets.
explorer [Ketrew_configuration]
Create a configuration of the Explorer:

fail_fatal [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Call with a “fatal error” (Mandatory in the Long-running API).
failed_running [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
failed_to_kill [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
failed_to_start [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
file [Ketrew_edsl]
Create a volume containing one file.
file [Ketrew_target.Volume]
file [Ketrew_path]
Create a path to a file.
file_target [Ketrew_edsl]
Create a file Ketrew_edsl.user_artifact and the Ketrew_edsl.user_target that produces it.
find_plugin [Ketrew_plugin]
finished [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
finished_because_dependencies_died [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
finished_time [Ketrew_target.State]
fix_point [Ketrew_engine.Run_automaton]
Run Ketrew_engine.Run_automaton.step many times until nothing happens or nothing “new” happens.
flush [Ketrew_engine.Measurements]
fmt [Ketrew_pervasives]
fresh_playground_or_fail [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Get a fresh-playground from a Host.t.

get_all [Ketrew_engine.Measurements]
get_file [Ketrew_host_io]
Read the file from the host at path.
get_fresh_playground [Ketrew_host_io]
Get a new subdirectory in the host's playground
get_host [Ketrew_target.Command]
Get the host.
get_key [Ketrew_interaction]
Get a key from the terminal input.
get_list_of_target_ids [Ketrew_client]
Get a list of target IDs given the query.
get_list_of_target_ids [Ketrew_engine]
Get only the Ids of the targets for a given “query”:
get_local_engine [Ketrew_client]
Get the handle to the engine (returns None if the client is an HTTP one).
get_log_of_monitored_script [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Fetch and parse the log file of a monitored-script.
get_pid_of_monitored_script [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Fetch and parse the pid file of a monitored-script.
get_shell_command_output [Ketrew_host_io]
Run a shell command on the host, and return its (stdout, stderr) pair (succeeds iff the exit status is 0).
get_shell_command_return_value [Ketrew_host_io]
Run a shell command on the host, and return its exit status value.
get_status [Ketrew_engine]
Get the state description of a given target (by “id”).
get_target [Ketrew_client]
The latest contents of a given target.
get_target [Ketrew_engine]
Get a target from its id.
get_target [Ketrew_target.Stored_target]
get_targets [Ketrew_client]
Same as Ketrew_client.get_target but “in bulk.”
global_debug_level [Ketrew_pervasives]
global_log_print_string [Ketrew_pervasives]
global_with_color [Ketrew_pervasives]
grab_file_or_log [Ketrew_host_io]
Weakly typed version of Ketrew_host_io.get_file, it fails with a Log.t (for use in “long-running” plugins).

id [Ketrew_target.Stored_target]
id [Ketrew_target]
Get a target's id.
if_color [Ketrew_pervasives.Log]
incoming_request [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
incomming_request [Ketrew_engine.Measure]
init [Ketrew_interaction]
Initialize the module.
invalid_argument_exn [Ketrew_pervasives]
Function that have a documented, easy to check contract, can raise Invalid_argument _ (their name should end in _exn).
is_equivalent [Ketrew_target]
Tell whether the first on is equivalent to the second one.
is_unix_ssh_failure_fatal [Ketrew_configuration]
Should we kill targets on ssh/unix errors.

kill [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
Kill the long-running computation.
kill [Ketrew_client]
Kill a set of targets.
kill [Ketrew_engine]
Kill a target
kill [Ketrew_target]
Get dead target out of a killable one, or None if not killable.
killable [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
killed [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
killing [Ketrew_target.State.Is]

latest_run_parameters [Ketrew_target]
Get the most recent serialized run_parameters if the target is a “long-running”, None otherwise.
listen_to [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the OpenSSL server configuration.
load [Ketrew_engine]
load_exn [Ketrew_configuration]
Load a configuration.
load_plugins [Ketrew_plugin]
load_plugins_no_lwt_exn [Ketrew_plugin]
Dynamically load a list of plugins, this function is not cooperative (with Lwt) and may raise Failure.
localhost [Ketrew_host]
The host "localhost" (i.e.
log [Ketrew_pervasives.Time]
log [Ketrew_pervasives.Json]
log [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
Get a list of things to display.
log [Ketrew_host_io.Error]
log [Ketrew_client.Error]
log [Ketrew_configuration]
Get a display-friendly list of configuration items.
log [Ketrew_target.State]
log [Ketrew_target.Condition]
log [Ketrew_target.Volume]
log [Ketrew_target.Command]
Get a display document.
log [Ketrew_target]
Get a Log.t “document” to display the target.
log [Ketrew_program]
Create a Log.t document to display a program.
log [Ketrew_host]
Get a Log.t document.
log_client_error [Ketrew_error]
log_file [Ketrew_monitored_script]
Path to the log file of the script.
log_path [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the path to the server's log file.
log_structure [Ketrew_target.Volume]
long_running_log [Ketrew_plugin]
long_running_log ~state plugin_name serialized_run_params calls Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING.log with the right plugin.
lsf [Ketrew_edsl]
Create an “LSF” build process.
lwt_stream_to_string [Ketrew_unix_io]

make_http_request [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
make_pointer [Ketrew_target.Stored_target]
make_reponse_log [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
make_target_menu [Ketrew_interaction]
Create a menu with the targets.
map [Ketrew_pervasives.List]
maximum_successive_attempts [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the maximum number of successive non-fatal failures.
menu [Ketrew_interaction]
Display a menu given the specified menu_items
menu_item [Ketrew_interaction]
Represent a menu item.
metadata [Ketrew_document]
metadata [Ketrew_target]
mode [Ketrew_configuration]

name [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
The (unique) name of the plugin.
name [Ketrew_target.State]
name [Ketrew_target]
Get a target's user-defined name.
nbsp [Ketrew_pervasives.Log]
never [Ketrew_edsl.Condition]
nop [Ketrew_target.Build_process]
A build process that does nothing.
now [Ketrew_pervasives.Time]

of_json_exn [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.WITH_VERSIONED_SERIALIZATION]
of_json_exn [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.Of_v0]
of_string [Ketrew_host]
Parse an RFC-3986-compliant string into a host, see Ketrew_host.of_uri.
of_target [Ketrew_target.Stored_target]
of_uri [Ketrew_host]
Get a Host.t from an URI (library ocaml-uri); the “path” part of the URI is the playground.
of_yojson [Ketrew_pervasives.Unique_id]
of_yojson [Ketrew_pervasives.Time]
of_yojson [Ketrew_monitored_script]
The definition of a monitored script.
of_yojson [Ketrew_target]
The thing holding targets.
of_yojson [Ketrew_program]
A program.
of_yojson [Ketrew_host.Ssh]
The type of SSH-based hosts.
of_yojson [Ketrew_host]
Host container.
of_yojson [Ketrew_path]
General type of file-paths.
on_failure_activate [Ketrew_target]
on_success_activate [Ketrew_target]
open_in_dollar_editor [Ketrew_interaction]
Open a file in "$EDITOR".
out_file_path [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Standard path for stdout files (given a fresh playground).
output [Ketrew_configuration]
Output a configuration file containing a list of profiles to stdout.

parse [Ketrew_edsl.Host]
Parse an URI string into a host.
parse_log [Ketrew_monitored_script]
Parse the log file of a monitored_script.
passive [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
passive_time [Ketrew_target.State]
The date the target's creation.
pbs [Ketrew_edsl]
Create a “PSB” build process.
pid_file [Ketrew_monitored_script]
Path to the “PID” file: where the script stores the PID of the process running the script, - pid will be the process id of the process group created by `setsid` (useful for killing the whole process tree).
playground [Ketrew_host]
plugins [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the configured list of plugins.
printf [Ketrew_pervasives]
profile [Ketrew_configuration]
Create a profile value.
program [Ketrew_edsl.Condition]
program [Ketrew_target.Command]
Create a Command.t that runs a Ketrew_program.t.
put_file [Ketrew_host_io]
Write a file on the host at path containing contents.

query [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
Perform a query.
quote [Ketrew_pervasives.Log]

ran_successfully [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
reactivate [Ketrew_target]
register_long_running_plugin [Ketrew_plugin]
Function to be called from dynamically loaded plugins.
relative_directory_exn [Ketrew_path]
Create a relative path to a directory, raises Invalid_argument _ if the path is not relative.
relative_file_exn [Ketrew_path]
Create a relative to a file, raises Invalid_argument _ if the path is not relative.
request_targets_ids [Ketrew_configuration]
restart [Ketrew_client]
Restart a set of targets.
restart_target [Ketrew_engine]
Make new activated targets out of a given target and its “transitive reverse dependencies”
return_error_messages [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the value of return_error_messages.
root [Ketrew_path]
The root directory (i.e.
run_main [Ketrew_command_line]
The “main” function for the application, it will exit n with n = 0 if succeed or n > 0 if an error occurs.
run_parameters_of_yojson [Ketrew_daemonize]
run_parameters_to_yojson [Ketrew_daemonize]
run_shell_command [Ketrew_host_io]
Run a shell command on the host (succeeds iff the exit status is 0).
run_with_quit_key [Ketrew_interaction]
Start and run an action until it finishes or unitl the key "q" is pressed.

scp_pull [Ketrew_host_io.Ssh]
Generate an SCP command for the given host as source.
scp_push [Ketrew_host_io.Ssh]
Generate an SCP command for the given host with the destination directory or file path.
script_path [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Standard path for monitored-script files.
serialize [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.WITH_VERSIONED_SERIALIZATION]
serialize [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.Of_v0]
serialize [Ketrew_measurement.Collection]
serialize [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
Serialize the run parameters for storage by the engine.
serialize [Ketrew_target.Stored_target]
Serialize a target (for the database).
server [Ketrew_configuration]
Create a server configuration (to pass as optional argument to the Ketrew_configuration.create function).
server_configuration [Ketrew_configuration]
Get the potentiel server configuration.
server_engine [Ketrew_configuration]
sexp [Ketrew_pervasives.Log]
sh [Ketrew_edsl.Program]
Create a program that runs a shell command.
shell [Ketrew_target.Command]
Create a “shell” command for a given Host.t.
shell_command_output_or_log [Ketrew_long_running_utilities]
Call Ketrew_host.get_shell_command_output and transform errors into a Log.t.
shell_of_default_shell [Ketrew_host]
shell_sh [Ketrew_host_io]
Call sh-style commands using the command argument (e.g.
shf [Ketrew_edsl.Program]
Printf-like function to create shell commands.
simplify [Ketrew_target.State]
size_shell_command [Ketrew_path]
Create a "/bin/sh" command that outputs "0" for directories and their size for files.
sprintf [Ketrew_pervasives]
ssh [Ketrew_edsl.Host]
ssh [Ketrew_host]
Create an SSH host.
ssh_batch_option [Ketrew_host.Ssh]
Get the right option for the SSH client, for now this does not actually depend on the Host.
standalone [Ketrew_configuration]
standalone_engine [Ketrew_configuration]
standalone_of_server [Ketrew_configuration]
start [Ketrew_server]
Start the server according to its configuration.
start [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
Start the long-running computation, the returned run_parameters will be stored and used for the first call to Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING.update.
started_running [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
starting [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
state [Ketrew_target]
status [Ketrew_server]
Ask for the status of the server running locally by calling "<port>/hello".
step [Ketrew_engine.Run_automaton]
Run one step of the engine; step returns true if something happened.
still_building [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
still_running [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
stop [Ketrew_server]
Stop the server by calling the commad "die" on the configured command-pipe, stopping will fail with `Stop_server_error _ if that path is not configured.
submit [Ketrew_client]
Submit a high-level workflow description to the engine; this function calls
succeed [Ketrew_unix_process]
Do like Ketrew_unix_process.exec but fail if the process does not exit with 0 status.
successfully_did_nothing [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
summary [Ketrew_target.State]

tag [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
tag [Ketrew_engine.Measure]
tags [Ketrew_target]
target [Ketrew_document]
target [Ketrew_edsl]
Construct a new target, the node of a workflow graph.
target_for_menu [Ketrew_document]
targets_per_page [Ketrew_configuration]
targets_to_prefetch [Ketrew_configuration]
time [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
Get the date recorded for the item.
tmp_on_localhost [Ketrew_edsl.Host]
tmp_on_localhost [Ketrew_host]
The host "localhost", with "/tmp" as playground.
to_display_string [Ketrew_edsl]
Build a display-friendly string summarizing the workflow.
to_filename [Ketrew_pervasives.Time]
to_json [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.WITH_VERSIONED_SERIALIZATION]
to_json [Ketrew_pervasives.Json.Versioned.Of_v0]
to_json [Ketrew_configuration]
Create the contents of a configuration file containing a list of profiles.
to_json [Ketrew_target.Stored_target]
Serialize a target to Json.t intermediate representation.
to_list [Ketrew_measurement.Collection]
to_log [Ketrew_unix_process.Exit_code]
to_long_string [Ketrew_pervasives.Log]
to_shell_commands [Ketrew_program]
Convert a program to a list of shell commands.
to_single_shell_command [Ketrew_program]
Convert a program to a shell command.
to_string [Ketrew_unix_process.Exit_code]
to_string [Ketrew_pervasives.Json]
to_string [Ketrew_monitored_script]
Render the monitored_script to a shell-script string; if write_pid is true (the default), the script writes the pid to pid_file t.
to_string [Ketrew_error]
to_string [Ketrew_path]
Convert the path to a “Unix” path.
to_string_hum [Ketrew_target.Condition]
to_string_hum [Ketrew_target.Volume]
to_string_hum [Ketrew_target.Command]
Get a Human-readable string.
to_string_hum [Ketrew_program]
Get a display-friendly string of a program.
to_string_hum [Ketrew_host]
Get a display-friendly string for the host.
to_string_quoted [Ketrew_path]
Convert the path to a “Unix” path quoted for a shell command (c.f.
to_strings [Ketrew_measurement.Item]
Convert an item to a list of displayable functions.
to_uri [Ketrew_host]
Convert a Host.t to an URI representing it.
to_yojson [Ketrew_pervasives.Unique_id]
to_yojson [Ketrew_pervasives.Time]
to_yojson [Ketrew_monitored_script]
to_yojson [Ketrew_target]
to_yojson [Ketrew_program]
to_yojson [Ketrew_host.Ssh]
to_yojson [Ketrew_host]
to_yojson [Ketrew_path]
toggle_verbose [Ketrew_interaction]
Turn on or off messages about which key is pressed.
token [Ketrew_configuration]
transition [Ketrew_target.Automaton]
tried_to_kill [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
tried_to_start [Ketrew_target.State.Is]

ui [Ketrew_configuration]
Create a configuration of the UI:
unit [Ketrew_edsl]
The artifact that is “never done” (i.e.
unload [Ketrew_engine]
update [Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING]
Check and update the status of the long-running job.
uri [Ketrew_pervasives.Log]
use_cbreak [Ketrew_configuration]
See the documentation of with_cbreak.

verified_success [Ketrew_target.State.Is]
view_in_dollar_editor [Ketrew_interaction]
View a string in "$EDITOR".

with_color [Ketrew_configuration]
with_engine [Ketrew_engine]
Create a engine.t, run the function passed as argument, and properly dispose of it.
wrap_preemptively [Ketrew_unix_io]

yarn_application [Ketrew_edsl]
Create a build process that requests resources from Yarn, the command must be an application in the Yarn sense (i.e.
yarn_distributed_shell [Ketrew_edsl]
Create a build process that will use Hadoop's `DistributedShell` class to request a container to run the given arbitrary program.