Module Main (.ml)

module Main: sig .. end

module String: Sosa.Native_string
val (//) : string -> string -> string
val say : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
module Test: sig .. end
module type TEST_DATABASE = sig .. end
module In_memory: sig .. end
val open_close_test : (module Main.TEST_DATABASE) ->
string ->
unit ->
(unit, [> `Database of [> `Close | `Load of string ] * string ])
val basic_test : (module Main.TEST_DATABASE) ->
string ->
unit ->
[> `Database of
[> `Act of Trakeva.Action.t
| `Close
| `Get of Trakeva.Key_in_collection.t
| `Get_all of string
| `Iter of string
| `Load of string ] *
string ])
val benchmark_01 : (module Main.TEST_DATABASE) ->
string ->
?collection:int ->
?big_string_kb:int ->
unit ->
(string * (string * float) list,
[> `Database of
[> `Act of Trakeva.Action.t
| `Close
| `Get of Trakeva.Key_in_collection.t
| `Get_all of string
| `Iter of string
| `Load of string ] *
string ])
module Test_sqlite: sig .. end
module Test_sqlite_with_greedy_cache: sig .. end
val has_arg : 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
val find_arg : string list -> name:string -> convert:(string -> 'a option) -> 'a option