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This library is a functor which creates a Logging module, i.e. a printf replacement based on the smart-print library (its only dependency).

The module Docout.Make_logger takes a LOGGER_CONFIGURATION and produces a LOGGER (which includes the SmartPrint module as well).


Let's apply the functor to a basic, stderr output logger-configuration:

let global_debug_level = ref 2
let global_with_color = ref true
module Log = 
  Docout.Make_logger (struct
    type ('a, 'b) result = 'a
    let debug_level () = !global_debug_level
    let with_color () = !global_with_color
    let line_width = 72
    let indent = 4
    let print_string = Printf.eprintf "%s%!"
    let do_nothing () = ()
    let name = "docout-test"

Then, one can build documents and display them:

Log.(s "Some string " % i 42 % sf ", %S" "quoted"
     % sp % brakets (OCaml.list f [3.14; 4.2])
     @ very_verbose);

EDSL Combinators

On top of all of SmartPrint values; LOGGER offers:

  • %: pure concatenation,
  • s: wrapped string (i.e. Natural language text); the leading and closing spaces are preserved,
  • sp: a breakable space,
  • sf: like s for formats (equivalent to (s (sprintf "…")),
  • i, f: ints; floats,
  • n: forced new line,
  • verbatim: non-reformatted strings,
  • exn: OCaml exceptions,
  • option: OCaml option combinator,
  • escape: escape a string (for OCaml lexical conventions),
  • ANSI colors: color, bold_red, bold_yellow, bold_green, and greyish.

The documents created with the EDSL are conditionally passed to LOGGER_CONFIGURATION.print_string with the @ operator and a “level”: normal, error, warning, verbose, or very_verbose.

We also provide some nicer conversion functions for SmartPrint.t:

  val to_string : line_width:int -> indent:int -> SmartPrint.t -> string
  val to_list :
    line_width:int ->
    indent:int ->
    SmartPrint.t ->
    [> `Char of char
    | `String of string
    | `Sub_string of string * int * int ] list