Ketrew: Server Commands

Server Commands

The server listens on a command-pipe defined in the config-file.

The commands are based on lines, that are “sent” to the pipe.

In the examples below, we use _test_env/test-command.pipe because it is the path defined by make test-env.

To ask the server to die nicely:

echo 'die' > _test_env/test-command.pipe

To ask the server to reload the authentication file (authorized tokens):

echo 'reload-auth' > _test_env/test-command.pipe

To add an arbitrary string to the measurements/logs maintained by the server:

echo 'tag hello some random string' > _test_env/test-command.pipe

it will appear in the logs as:

[2014-09-30-21h16m39s020ms-UTC]  hello some random string

To ask the server to write the measurements/logs to the database (and forget them afterwards):

echo 'flush-measurements' > _test_env/test-command.pipe