Ketrew: Plugin Example

(*    Copyright 2014, 2015:                                               *)
(*          Sebastien Mondet <>,                            *)
(*          Leonid Rozenberg <>,                         *)
(*          Arun Ahuja <>,                              *)
(*          Jeff Hammerbacher <>               *)
(*                                                                        *)
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Dummy Plugin

This plugin “inherits” from the implementation of Ketrew.Daemonize and adds a new “query” (that just retrives the result of the date command; pretty useless).

open Ketrew_pure.Internal_pervasives
open Ketrew.Unix_io

The name has to be “unique”; the create function calls Ketrew.Daemonize.create and changes the name:

let name = "dummy"

let create ~host program =
  let `Long_running  (_, serialized) =
    Ketrew.Daemonize.create ~using:`Python_daemon ~host program in
  `Long_running (name, serialized)


The module Another_long_running is the actual implementation of the plugin.

The functions additional_queries and query deal with the "date" query, or pass the baby to the Ketrew.Daemonize module.

module Another_long_running : Ketrew.Long_running.LONG_RUNNING = struct
  include Ketrew.Daemonize
  let name = "dummy"

  let additional_queries run_param =
    ("date", Log.(s "Display the date, not even on the right host"))
    :: additional_queries run_param

  let query run_param ~host_io item =
    if item = "date" then
      begin Ketrew.Host_io.get_shell_command_output host_io
          ~host:(Ketrew.EDSL.Host.parse "/tmp") "date"
        >>< function
        | `Ok (o, _) -> return o
        | `Error e ->
          fail Log.(s "Command `date` failed: " % s (Ketrew.Error.to_string e))
    else (* call Ketrew.Daemonize's function: *)
      query ~host_io run_param item


Registering the plugin is a simple function call using first class modules:

let () =
  Ketrew.Plugin.register_long_running_plugin ~name (module Another_long_running)