Module Ketrew.User_initialization

module User_initialization: sig .. end

The inner-workings of the command `ketrew init`.
val generate_configuration_directory : debug_level:int ->
config_path:string ->
[ `Client_from_url of string
| `Full of
[ `Default_database | `User_set_database of string ] *
[ `TLS_create_self_signed | `TLS_disable | `TLS_use of string * string ] *
[ `Port of int ] * [ `Tokens of string list ] ] ->
[> `Failure of string
| `IO of [> `Write_file_exn of Unix_io.IO.path * exn ]
| `Shell of
string *
[> `Exited of int | `Exn of exn | `Signaled of int | `Stopped of int ]
| `System of
[> `Make_directory of string ] *
[> `Exn of exn | `Wrong_access_rights of int ] ])
Generate a configurated directory given a specification.