Module Ketrew.Yarn

module Yarn: sig .. end

Implementation of the LONG_RUNNING API asking Aapache Yarn for resources and using Ketrew_daemonize to “keep” the process group together.

This module implements Ketrew_long_running.LONG_RUNNING plugin-API.
include Long_running.LONG_RUNNING
The “standard” plugin-API.
type distributed_shell_parameters 
val distributed_shell_program : ?hadoop_bin:string ->
?distributed_shell_shell_jar:string ->
?container_vcores:int ->
container_memory:[ `GB of int | `MB of int | `Raw of string ] ->
timeout:[ `Raw of string | `Seconds of int ] ->
application_name:string ->
Ketrew_pure.Program.t ->
[> `Distributed_shell of
distributed_shell_parameters * Ketrew_pure.Program.t ]
Create a value `Distributed_shell _ to feed to Ketrew.Yarn.create, see Edsl.yarn_distributed_shell.
val create : ?host:Ketrew_pure.Host.t ->
?daemonize_using:[ `Nohup_setsid | `Python_daemon ] ->
?daemon_start_timeout:float ->
[ `Distributed_shell of
distributed_shell_parameters * Ketrew_pure.Program.t
| `Yarn_application of Ketrew_pure.Program.t ] ->
[> `Long_running of string * string ]
Create a “long-running” Ketrew_pure.Target.build_process (run parameters are already serialized), see Edsl.yarn_application.

Advanced Global Configuration

val max_name_length : int Pervasives.ref