Module Ketrew_pure.Target

module Target: sig .. end

Definition of the basic building bloc of a workflow.
module Command: sig .. end
Definition of command-lines to run on a given Ketrew_pure.Host.t.
module Volume: sig .. end
module Build_process: sig .. end
type id = Internal_pervasives.Unique_id.t 
The identifiers of targets.
module Condition: sig .. end
module Equivalence: sig .. end
module State: sig .. end
type t 
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
The thing holding targets.
val create : ?id:id ->
?name:string ->
?metadata:[ `String of string ] ->
?depends_on:id list ->
?on_failure_activate:id list ->
?on_success_activate:id list ->
?make:Build_process.t ->
?condition:Condition.t ->
?equivalence:Equivalence.t ->
?tags:string list -> unit -> t
Create a target value (not stored in the DB yet).
val rekey : prefix:string -> t -> t
Change all the IDs with Unique_id.add_prefix.
val id : t -> Internal_pervasives.Unique_id.t
Get a target's id.
val name : t -> string
Get a target's user-defined name.
val depends_on : t -> id list
val on_success_activate : t -> id list
val on_failure_activate : t -> id list
val metadata : t -> [ `String of string ] option
val build_process : t -> Build_process.t
val condition : t -> Condition.t option
val equivalence : t -> Equivalence.t
val additional_log : t -> (Internal_pervasives.Time.t * string) list
val tags : t -> string list
val state : t -> State.t
module Automaton: sig .. end
val activate_exn : ?log:string ->
t ->
reason:[ `Dependency of id | `User ] ->
Get an activated target out of a “submitted” one, raises Invalid_argument _ if the target is in a wrong state.
val kill : ?log:string -> t -> t option
Get dead target out of a killable one, or None if not killable.
val reactivate : ?with_id:id ->
?with_name:string ->
?with_metadata:[ `String of string ] option ->
?log:string -> t -> t
val is_equivalent : t -> t -> bool
Tell whether the first on is equivalent to the second one. This not a commutative operation: the function does not look at the second target's Equivalence field.
val log : t -> Internal_pervasives.Log.t
Get a Log.t “document” to display the target.
val latest_run_parameters : t -> string option
Get the most recent serialized run_parameters if the target is a “long-running”, None otherwise.
module Stored_target: sig .. end
module Summary: sig .. end