Module Ketrew_pure.Target.State

module State: sig .. end

type t 
type simple = [ `Activable | `Failed | `In_progress | `Successful ] 
val simple_to_yojson : simple -> Yojson.Safe.json
val simple_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json ->
simple Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val pp_simple : Format.formatter ->
simple -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_simple : simple -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val simplify : t -> simple
val name : t -> string
type summary = [ `Time of Internal_pervasives.Time.t ] * [ `Log of string option ] *
[ `Info of string list ]
val summary : t -> summary
val log : ?depth:int -> t -> Internal_pervasives.Log.t
val passive_time : t -> Internal_pervasives.Time.t
The date the target's creation.
val finished_time : t -> Internal_pervasives.Time.t option
module Is: sig .. end
module Count: sig .. end
A module providing functions t -> int to provide counts.
module Flat: sig .. end
A “flat” representation of the state (the “normal” representation can be very deep hierarchy, that clients running on weak VMs, like Javascript engines, cannot handle)i.