Ketrew: Plugin-Usage Example



(*    Copyright 2014, 2015:                                               *)
(*          Sebastien Mondet <>,                            *)
(*          Leonid Rozenberg <>,                         *)
(*          Arun Ahuja <>,                              *)
(*          Jeff Hammerbacher <>               *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");       *)
(*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.      *)
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This is a workflow script using Dummy_plugin to create a (local) target.

open Printf
let () =
  let open Ketrew.EDSL in
  Ketrew.Client.submit_workflow (
    workflow_node without_product
      ~name:(sprintf "%S with dummy-plugin" Sys.argv.(1))
               ~host:(Host.parse "/tmp")
               ( Sys.argv.(1)))