module type UNSAFELY_MUTABLE = sig .. end
This interface defines functions that may be implemented by particular string types that are actually mutable.

They are considered “unsafe” because they break the immutability invariants assumed by the rest of this library; you'd better know what you're doing.

type t 
type character 
val mutate : t ->
index:int ->
character -> (unit, [> `out_of_bounds ]) Api.result
Set the index-th character of the string.
val mutate_exn : t -> index:int -> character -> unit
Set the index-th character of the string, but fail with a non-specified exception.
val blit : src:t ->
src_index:int ->
dst:t ->
dst_index:int -> length:int -> (unit, [> `out_of_bounds ]) Api.result
Copy length characters from src (starting at src_index) to dst (starting at dst_index).
val blit_exn : src:t ->
src_index:int ->
dst:t -> dst_index:int -> length:int -> unit
Like Api.UNSAFELY_MUTABLE.blit but fail with a non-specified exception.