Module Api

module Api: sig .. end
The module types that define Sosa's API.

type ('a, 'b) result = [ `Error of 'b | `Ok of 'a ] 
The type result is a reusable version of the classical Result.t type.
module type OUTPUT_MODEL = sig .. end
A monadic thread model (like Lwt, Async) and an output function.
module type BASIC_CHARACTER = sig .. end
The minimal API implemented by characters.
module type NATIVE_CONVERSIONS = sig .. end
API definition of conversions from native OCaml strings to a given string type or vice-versa.
module type BASIC_STRING = sig .. end
The minimal API implemented by string modules.
module type UNSAFELY_MUTABLE = sig .. end
This interface defines functions that may be implemented by particular string types that are actually mutable.
module type NATIVE_CHARACTER = sig .. end
Native OCaml character.
module type NATIVE_STRING = sig .. end
Native OCaml string.
module type NATIVE_BYTES = sig .. end
Native OCaml byte.
module type MINIMALISTIC_MUTABLE_STRING = sig .. end
Minimal mutable string used as argument to the Of_mutable functor.