

package parsing

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class LociRange(contigName: ContigName, start: Locus, endOpt: Option[Locus]) extends ParsedLociRange with Product with Serializable

  2. final case class LociRanges(ranges: Iterable[LociRange]) extends AnyVal with ParsedLociRanges with Product with Serializable

  3. class ParsedLoci extends AnyRef

    Class representing genomic ranges that have been parsed from various supported String-representations.

  4. sealed trait ParsedLociRange extends AnyRef

    Representation of a genomic range as parsed from a cmdline-flag or file.

  5. sealed trait ParsedLociRanges extends Any

    Representation of genomic-loci ranges that may be used to instantiate a ParsedLoci for later conversion into a org.hammerlab.guacamole.loci.set.LociSet.

Value Members

  1. object All extends ParsedLociRanges with Product with Serializable

  2. object AllRange extends ParsedLociRange with Product with Serializable

  3. object LociRange extends Serializable

  4. object ParsedLoci

  5. object ParsedLociRange

  6. object ParsedLociRanges
